Logo Bandido Studio marca de iluminacion mexicana


The New Mexican House

October 14th - November 13th 2022
Av. Paseo de las Palmas 2045, CDMX.

In this edition of Design House, our Bandido lighting and furniture products were carefully curated by renowned architects and interior designers to complement various interior design concepts. The spaces had a captivating blend of textures, contrasts, lights, and shadows, creating an enchanting atmosphere. The spaces had a captivating blend of textures, contrasts, lights, and shadows, creating an enchanting atmosphere.


The New Mexican House

October 14th - November 13th 2022
Av. Paseo de las Palmas 2045, CDMX.

In this edition of Design House, our Bandido lighting and furniture products were carefully curated by renowned architects and interior designers to complement various interior design concepts. The spaces had a captivating blend of textures, contrasts, lights, and shadows, creating an enchanting atmosphere. The spaces had a captivating blend of textures, contrasts, lights, and shadows, creating an enchanting atmosphere.


Space designed by Difane & Raúl De La Cerda.
Photography by Amy Bello.


Space designed by Difane & Raúl De La Cerda.
Photography by Amy Bello.
Vista frontal de lámparas de Muro DBH 02 diseñadas por Bandido Studio en Design House 2022, Design Week México.


Space designed by The Book of Wa & CORS.


Space designed by The Book of Wa & CORS.
Lámparas de pared círculares DBH 02 hechas de ónix diseñadas por Bandido Studio para comedor, tienda en Design House 2022, Design Week México.
Serie de luces calidas, de pared DBH 02 hechas de ónix blanco, diseñadas por Bandido Studio, en pared azul, Design House 2022, Design Week México.
Muro de lámparas redondas DBH 02 de ónix con esféra de cristal blanca, diseñadas por Bandido Studio en salón de exhibición, Design house 2022, Design Week México.

Refugio Sereno

Space designed by Goldberg Interiores & Ciento Once.
Photography by Amy Bello.

Refugio Sereno

Space designed by Goldberg Interiores & Ciento Once.
Photography by Amy Bello.
Exhibición de lámpara arbotante NAGA hecha de mármol blanco y difusor de vidrio ópalino diseñada por Bandido Studio en habitación REFUGIO SERENO diseñado x Goldberg Interiores & Ciento Once en Design House 2022, Design Week México.

Estudio inspirado en Josef Hoffman

Space designed by Studio Panebianco & Breuer Estudio.
Photography by Amy Bello.

Estudio inspirado en Josef Hoffman

Space designed by Studio Panebianco & Breuer Estudio.
Photography by Amy Bello.
Lámpara de muro NAGA disco de mármol negro y difusor de vidrio con luz cálida, diseñada por Bandido Studio, en habitación naranja, en Design House 2022, Design Week México.

Roof Garden

Space designed by Studio H. Fernández & NUUSH.
Photography by Amy Bello.

Roof Garden

Space designed by Studio H. Fernández & NUUSH.
Photography by Amy Bello.
Set de mesas de centro MURA hechas de mármol negro y vidrio ahumado diseñadas por Bandido Studio en ROOF GARDEN Espacio diseñado x Studio H. Fernández & NUUSH, en Design House 2022, Design Week México.


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